
The Boys and Girls Club of North Beach, also known as Bayside Boys and Girls Club, is an after-school program that runs for the duration of the school year. We have a variety of ages ranging from elementary schoolers to highschoolers. Each member takes part in a span of programs from daily art projects or physical activities to our scheduled programs. 

We strive to create a safe space for children of all ages, further learning beyond school, and 

If your child is 13+, they attend free of weekly fees. The annual membership fee is required, but otherwise completely free.


Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday: 2pm – 6pm

Two Hour Early Days: 1pm – 6pm


9021 Dayton Ave, North Beach MD 20714



Positive Action

Positive Action is an encouragement to the Club members to learn about self-confidence, self-worth, and bringing that positivity to the share with the rest of the world. By focusing on their own needs and feelings they can then use those skills they have gained to help others find their foot holds.

Triple Play

Triple Play is a program based around the mind, body, and soul. Club members learn how to take care of themselves in the aspects of physical health, mental health, and social health. The members take part in sports activities, learn about healthy eating.

STEM Mentoring

STEM Mentoring brings together youth and mentors for fun, hands-on activities about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), with a particular focus on conservation. 

We pair younger members (mentees) with a teen mentor who will guide them through the lessons, refreshing the teen’s knowledge on the topic as well as promoting leadership skills.