Health & Life Skills

Today’s youth face overwhelming obstacles that affect their health and well-being. BGCSM gives them the tools—and the strength—to engage in positive behaviors and good decision-making. Programs focus on building self-esteem and deal with drug and violence prevention, teen pregnancy prevention, fitness, wellness and disease prevention.

BGCSM helps Club members set personal goals and establish a foundation to live as self-sufficient, healthy and wise adults.


A health, fitness, prevention/education, and self-esteem enhancement program for girls ages 10-15. SMART Girls encourages healthy attitudes and lifestyles that will enable early adolescent girls to develop to their full potential.

Passport to Manhood

Passport to Manhood promotes and teaches responsibility while reinforcing positive behavior in male Club members ages 11-14. Highly interactive small-group activities concentrate on different aspects of manhood.

Positive Action

Positive Action is a encourages the Club members to learn about self-confidence, self-worth, and bringing that positivity to the share with the rest of the world. By focusing on their own needs and feelings they can then use those skills they have gained to help others find their foot holds.